“Yet, even amidst the hatred and carnage, life is still worth living. It is possible for wonderful encounters and beautiful things to exist.”
- Hayao Miyazaki


  • She/her or They/them

  • 99L

  • Mainly TWST artist

  • Can speak EN/ID + basic JP

  • Big Idia Shroud stan and merch collector

About me!

Usually very active on Twitter + Discord. Can be found RT-ing all things connected to Idia while collecting his merch!I also am a Vtuber on the side.
If you know, you know, you know?✩


Idia Shroud

He may be stinky and he may have taken actions that can be a littol questionable, but I love him all the same! There's a lot of things that I love expanding on through casual conversation and discussions !I am an avid merchandise collector but only started collecting in 2023 so it's hard for me to keep a look out on old merch. I do occasionally spend time to check off his merchandise list though!

What I'm comfortable with:

  • Fellow Idia shippers, regardless canon charas or yume!

  • Those who insult him affectionately

  • Idia merchandise collectors

  • Artists (any shape, way or form) whether fanartists or original!

Looking for this stupid looking doll.
If found at cheap price, let me know!

Things to know!

About main yume ship (Idihen)

Idihen is my personal ship in which the character Idia Shroud from TWST and my OC, Henry A. (as seen on the right)

  • Special tag list for those who want to see Idihen Content (Idia x Henry)

  • Idihen's oshi mark = 💀🍰

  • Special headcanon page for Idihen can be accessed here.

Do Not Interact if...

  • Homophobic

  • Actively shows hate and insults (non-affectionate) towards any Twisted Wonderland character

  • Under 15+ (I don't have any adult content but sometimes there are crude jokes)

  • Actively participates in discourse / drama

Idihen Headcanons

Works to read

Fun Headcanons

  • Idia has an extremely short temper compared to Henry, especially if there is a third person involved (flirting, for example). Idia will spew insults if necessary but most of the time, he signals Henry by holding hands.

  • Idia's unwavering loyalty is what Henry loves the most. That could be because man's never even talked to a person properly without breaking into discord talk. Henry finds it cute.

  • Since Henry is technologically-inclined, Idia tries to teach him some gamer speak. This results in Henry spewing the most ungodly combinations known to Walt.

  • Every morning, Henry makes sure that Idia always get his nutritions in by making healthy bentos. He decorates them according to Idia's 'game boss of the week'. Idia loves it, and (arrogantly) shares photos with his (single) friends.

  • Idia appreciates him! It's the little things he does. Over time, he changes to be more mellow when around Henry but things tend to slip in a few times.

  • Henry's love is more outright, Idia's is more subtle.